You will find more information on the project website:  

Fundacja Marki Polskiej im. prof. Witolda Kieżuna is pleased to announce that the consortium consisting of FUNDACJA MARKI POLSKIEJ im. prof. Witolda Kieżuna (Poland), HOCHSCHULE WISMAR (Germany), PRAGUE CITY UNIVERSITY (Czech Republic), SYLA KRAINY (Ukraine) and AKADEMI KULTUR ve EGITIM DERENGI (Turkey) have launched the WINGS project: Women's Initiative for New Growth and Skills - Supporting Migrant Careers within the Erasmus+ programme.

In response to the global refugee crisis intensified by the war in Ukraine, the Erasmus+ project WINGS takes a bold step toward addressing the unique challenges faced by displaced women. This initiative is designed to empower adult women who have been forced to flee Ukraine, helping them rebuild their careers and achieve financial independence in host countries.

The WINGS project, spearheaded by Hochschule Wismar (Germany) in collaboration with partners from Poland, Ukraine, Czechia, and Türkiye, is a shining example of international cooperation in adult education. The initiative, which focuses on fostering inclusion, upskilling, and addressing labour market mismatches, has been granted under the Erasmus+ KA220-ADU action.

The primary goal is clear: empower adult women migrants with the skills, knowledge, and resources necessary to integrate into their host countries' labor markets. Through tailored education, mentorship, and networking, the project aims to alleviate professional exclusion and help these women regain economic independence.

As millions of Ukrainian women rebuild their lives in unfamiliar surroundings, WINGS offers a beacon of hope and a path to empowerment. By leveraging education, collaboration, and innovation, the project exemplifies the transformative power of the Erasmus+ program in addressing urgent global challenges. Through initiatives like WINGS, we not only support vulnerable populations but also foster a more inclusive and compassionate Europe.

Fundacja Marki Polskiej champions lifelong learning, democratic values, and the fight against social exclusion, aligning perfectly with WINGS' mission to provide innovative educational resources and career opportunities for forced migrant women. Together, they exemplify a dedication to creating an equitable society where all individuals, regardless of their circumstances, can thrive and contribute to their communities.


PROJECT:  WINGS - Women's Initiative for New Growth and Skills - Supporting Migrant Careers


K220 - ADU Cooperation partnerships in adult education

Project number 2024-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000247718


The leader of the project:
Fundacja Marki Polskiej I'm. prof. Witolda Kieżuna (Poland)
Prague City University (Czech Republic)  
Syla Krainy (Ukraine)
Akademi Kultur ve Egitim Derengi (Turkey)




im. prof. Witolda Kieżuna




Fundacja Marki Polskiej im. prof. Witolda Kieżuna


ul. Bracka 20

00-028 Warszawa


tel.  508 387 872



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mBank    56 1140 2004 0000 3702 7834 2452


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